New eSPORTS Picks is THE NEXT BIG THING. If You Have Been Missing Then You Should Listen Carefully.

Dear Facebook Follower And Valued Beta- Tester,

After years of development and months & months of live beta-testing on Facebook, we are finally ready. ZCodeTM System goes LIVE!

Over the years, Zcode System has not only become an industry standard in sports investing and sports statistics, but has also helped thousands of followers grow their bankrolls day in and day out. However, let the numbers speak for themselves. Because you, dear reader, shall experience it first- hand...

An Industry First...

Never has anyone in the betting niche given out a service or product to make money first and be charged later because they knew it would not work or that theirs would be a crappy product.

You know that ZCodeTM works because you followed us on facebook and/or saw people there make money... with STEADY GAINS!

... We wanted to prove to you upfront and LIVE that we've got something SPECIAL... something that can truly make a difference in your life, even if you are no sports fan or just a work-from-home mom who wants to make extra thousands a month.

You SAW us make money day in and day out, live and uncut, over Facebook... more than 10,000 fans are proof of this.

In fact, ZCodeTM started to grow virally and more and more people joined in by word-of-mouth... marvellous but dangerous as well, but let me explain.

In fact, over the beta-testing period, we generated huge amounts of cash for ourselves and much, much more for the beta-testing group.

The performance was fully verified by thousands of people who followed us on facebook during the beta-testing period, commenting on every win or loss.

When you are winning, you don't have to hide your results. That's why we agreed to perform a public monitoring of our results on an independent pick-monitor as well.

Over the past 5 YEARS, we have followed our own system picks and documented all our bets, so that anyone could verify them. We even got into the top 5 world cappers with ZCodeTM!

Why these specific sports you ask?

Firstly, because they are popular and therefore allow high volume betting with the bookies (above 10s of thousands of $$$ per single bet) and secondly, because we wanted to rake in profits all year long and not just for a season or two while having to sit out all the other action.

Coming from the currency market scene (Forex), we decided that we wanted to develop a money-making system that would choose winning picks based on a precise and powerful prediction model.

We wanted to "trade" in the sports niche just like we traded currencies in the forex market. Little did we know that all the work would pay off in such a grand way!

Sports betting is a HUGE industry! Billions of dollars are floating out there waiting to be grabbed... and with a mathematical approach, you can get the edge needed!!

ZCodeTM “Trades” Sport!

It takes into account over 80 different parameters in every game such as player conditions, injuries, Home or Away team, goalies, past performance, predicted future performance, trainers, events, importance of matches, rivalries, feuds, and so MUCH more, all to calculate a very precise outcome.

Where Emotions Fail... Calculations Prevail!

ZCodeTM is a robot!
... it's a machine, a "code" so to speak... it has no favourite players or teams... it is ice cold and tracks performance & performance only! Handicappers who predict games tend to have favourites, even if they don't admit it... their choices are emotional... and without 100% objectivity, you can never be as accurate as a proven prediction model... that's why, we eat handicappers for

After 27 months sitting in dark rooms studying algorithms and formulae, with an army of 21 programmers and paying salaries of well over $200,000 (!!) we finally hit the JACKPOT!

ZCodeTM was born! And we started raking in profits while putting it to the test LIVE, making it available to thousands on our facebook beta-tester group!

It was very important to us because we wanted to PROVE upfront, without any shadow of a doubt, that ZCodeTM would make each and every single user profits.

ZCodeTM pulls in profits on time, every time! We not only claim this, but prove it here... and NOW that ZCodeTM is consistently making big gains with:

14 months of public beta-testing on Facebook.

The only system fully backtested back to 1999. Proven profitable, never having had a losing month... NOT ONCE!

Doubling accounts every month proven again by,

2 Public verified accounts on a 3rd party monitor, one called Mike-Tester and the other one called The Xcode (that was renamed to ZCodeTM)

We didn't just double those test accounts once...

not twice.. but 3 times just for the sake of proving our claims!!

After all, talk is cheap these days... you have to put your money where your mouth is!

But This Is Just The “TIP” Of The Iceberg...

Remember our public challenge? We opened several accounts on 3rd-party monitoring sites to prove how effective ZCodeTM System is.

Click and check the following reports below and see for yourself how much money you would have made, had you been a happy ZCodeTM camper!

ZCodeTM Technology

Imagine if you could have a Sports-Betting system that can be truly profitable over the course of 11 years, no matter if the team is winning or losing? Sounds great? I bet it does!

Today, we are really excited to share our results with you and show you how you can win with us!

We win because we combine the power of our human cappers who are experts in sports with the power
of technology: statistical data since 1999. Our
picks are documented and proven - each

winning and losing pick is available for members to check and verify in
the members zone. We never
hide any results

ZCodeTM Sports Investing Bible

We just published a book! Get your crash course to sports- investing profits, a free copy of our new book called “The ZCodeTM Sports Investing Bible”

We have been working with so many of you and we enjoyed your input... but the real reason for going private is that we want YOU and US to keep profiting from this unique approach for a lifetime...

Bad News. You “Might” Be Too Late...

Unfortunately, good things cannot be open for everyone except for an inner circle of trusted ones. As the saying goes, too many cooks ruin the soup. Remember, if too many people are using the same system, it will become ineffective as the odds will be influenced.

Now, you are definitely in luck and at a very important point in your life. You've got the chance to enter our inner circle and keep making profits with ZCodeTM, or you can leave and give your seat to another happy camper because... and this is very important...

There are not enough ZCodeTM Memberships For Everyone :(

In fact, this wasn't an easy decision at all, but in order to maintain the functionality and integrity of ZCodeTM, we plan to close our doors as soon as we fill our spots!

It's Time To Take Action!

Hurry up while the doors are still open! 3654 People are on the Waiting List + Over 10,000 Facebook Fans who know of Z-Code's Efficiency. You Do The Math.

Check out what beta-testers are saying about Zcode System

We'd love nothing more than to give Z-Code to all of you guys, but as we said before, that is simply not doable... and we sincerely apologize for that.

Now, what has this to do with sports?

Simple! If you are not a sports fan, you already ignore or disregard monetary gains from this direction. Basically, your subconscious tells you, ”NAAAH! it's sports, we don't like sports”.

But what about the MONEY? Isn't that the driving point in this whole story? After all, we are all in it for the money... some more, some less... but what you NEED to do here is clear yourself of emotions and think rationally.

Would you rather grind your life through a boring day-job or effortlessly place a few bets in a couple of minutes a day on events you don't give a damn about?

Actually, if you don't like sports, it's even simpler because your emotions are left out of the equation, letting you follow the system and make even more money than a sports lover could do, because they tend to take sides :)

SO, the lesson here is:

Don't frame your thinking... expand your horizon, take all the factors in consciously and make an informed decision... don't indulge in self-sabotage but instead, just focus on the goal:

Make Money From Home The Easy Way And Reward Yourself With The Most Precious Thing We've Got: TIME

It's Not Win Or Loss... It's The “Value”

ZCodeTM is not looking for only a winner and a loser. It seeks the "value" in each game, where you can make the most money with the smallest risk possible... therefore it predicts bets such as "how many goals will fall" or " who's going to score the most points" or "will there be more than 5 goals or less"... seeking the value in every game and giving you the most earnings!

ZCodeTM “Trades” Sport!

It takes into account over 80 different parameters in every game such as player conditions, injuries, Home or Away team, goalies, past performance, predicted future performance, trainers, events, importance of matches, rivalries, feuds, and so MUCH more, all to calculate a very precise outcome.

It's Not Win Or Loss... It's The “Value”

ZCodeTM is not looking for only a winner and a loser. It seeks the "value" in each game, where you can make the most money with the smallest risk possible... therefore it predicts bets such as "how many goals will fall" or " who's going to score the most points" or "will there be more than 5 goals or less"... seeking the value in every game and giving you the most earnings!

Not a Sports Fan? Not NHL, NBA, NFL or MLB Addicted?

Why this Might Be Even Better!

Success coaches teach a very important thing early on that is an important lesson for everyone and is so true when it comes to personal taste. Every one of us already has personal preferences that filter emotions, ideas and concepts on a subconscious level.

Basically, we already say NO to things on a subconscious level even before we actually think about it...

Further Reading


FREE BETTING TIPS FROM EXPERT TIPSTERS. Already 120,000+ Members Who Receive Free Betting Tips Daily